Our grandson MJ
1 1/2 years old and 6 years old.

We spent the morning relaxing and taking it easy at home because it was so cold outside. Drinking coffee and working on my personal business was really nice. My husband and I made sure we didn't do too much so we would have enough energy for our grandson because when he come he consumes all of our time from the moment he hits the door.
I was hoping we would just order pizza and stay cuddled inside the warm house but, my husband insisted we go out for dinner. MJ didn't really want go out either, so said he just want some Sonic and stay home too but, since his Papa made me to get dressed up I say we had to go to a sit down restaurant.
We went out and had a wonderful time. We notice how MJ is beginning to spend so much time enjoying his Psp's, DVD player, train track etc...that we don't get to have as much conversation as we used to. These electronic toys and gadgets for children is keeping them so entertained they don't seem to need personal attention and conversation anymore.
He has his own bedroom too, but when he spend the night he usually sleeps with us or on the couch so he can watch cable. He refused to sleep in his room because it didn't have it. Well his Papa finally had it put in there and guess what? He's sleeping in his room for the first time...with the but, with TV on...cause his mommy let him sleep with it on.(huh)
As the night winds down I think to myself how wonderful and blessed we are to have a grandson. I still remember like it was yesterday when he was still a baby, then walking and now he's six and has grown so much. He is so full of joy and love I can't even remember what it was like when we didn't have him.
We give him as much attention and interaction as we can but, I can see he is vastly becoming a little digital child.:-) Now, we are looking forward to our second grandson Zaine due to be born in April!!
Yep, he's definetly a joyful, loving....digital child! God has truly blessed us.
TIP: use the SLEEP TIMER to ensure the TV doesn't stay on all night :o)
great tip!!
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